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Campus Ministries

Division of Student Affairs

Campus Life Ministries

"Student Affairs Cares"

欢迎来到大阳城集团99aa学生事务处校园事工规划和发展网站. 这个部门致力于肯定学生在他们的精神旅程中发展的愿景.  The unit is charged with preparing ethical leaders for the global community.


Rev. Kevin Patterson (Baptist Student Union)

BAPTIST STUDENT UNION leads students to a commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; involves them in responsible church membership in the life of the denomination; provides activities on the campus for worship, discussion, Bible study, social action, social life, and witness; and leads students to give themselves in service in the community and the world.




Pastors Michael & Lori Hampton (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

大阳城集团99aa基督教运动员团契(FCA)颁发给运动员和教练以及所有受他们影响的人, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationship and in the fellowship of the Church.Friends Overcoming Crisis Using Solutions (F.O.C.U.S)认为,信仰相似的男女应该团结在一起,以便在大学男女之间形成一个更完美的联盟, to promote positive solutions to various problems, to further brotherly/sisterly love and spirit of social service, and to protect the sanctity of Christianity. 国际大学基督教团契的目标是在大阳城集团99aa建立和发展见证学生和教师跟随耶稣为救主和主的社区:在对上帝的爱中成长, GodÕs Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world.



Jason Abrams (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)

In response to God’s love, grace, and truth:

The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
是在高等院校建立和发展学生和教师跟随耶稣为救主和主的见证社区:在对神的爱中成长, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s                                           purposes in the world.



Jauan Knight & Abryelle Bolton, Advisors (JSU Mass Choir)





Pastor Anthony Forrest (RUF – Reformed University Fellowship)





Rev. Kevin Kosh (Wesley Foundation)

卫斯理基金会是一个联合卫理公会学生运动,旨在为大学生提供基督教团契, worship and service through the Christian ministries of teaching, counseling, evangelism, and discipleship.


Rev. Vince Gordon (Young Life)

Young Life College offers a fun, accepting community to be a part of while exploring or deepening their faith.   
College students can also be great Young Life leaders for middle and high school students. 大多数地区都渴望培养和吸收大学生作为他们年轻生活团队的宝贵成员.




使命是通过提供对话的机会,鼓励和支持大阳城集团99aa社区的精神和宗教发展, fellowship, and worship. In addition, 校园事工提供机会,鼓励学生将他们的教育联系起来, religious tradition, and spirituality, as a means to develop their identity.

To plan and promote opportunities for dialogue and worship.

Goal 1.1: Offer monthly spiritual services for the student body.

Goal 1.2:支持大学社区宗教强调周的实施.
To initiate opportunities through small groups, Bible studies, men’s and women’s ministry activities, mentoring, and prayer ministries.

Goal 2.1 .利用宗教学生团体提供查经及团契活动.

Goal 3.1 .鼓励宗教学生团体参与社区服务活动.


About Us

《大阳城集团99aa》杂志已经证实,发生在大阳城集团99aa的事情对美国和全球社会都有影响. 当你探索我们的历史和当前的活动,我们希望你能分享我们对校园事工和信仰为基础的项目的广泛网络的兴奋. Through a growing presence of diversity on our campus, 我们正在努力促进不同信仰间的对话与合作,以培养对不同信仰和文化有更深理解和尊重的领导人.

通过精神伦理领导倡议(SELI),本系帮助学生发现和测试他们的使命感. 我们能够提供培养学生探索他们的天赋和使命的课程. SELI帮助他们成为宗教和世俗职业的灵性敏感和有效的领导者, including ordained ministry.


Religious Council

宗教理事会成员参与社区服务和宗教团契, with an emphasis on instilling and perpetuating the spiritual concepts, ideals and beliefs held by each group. 理事会成员也协助校园牧师协调校园内的宗教活动.



Because we are committed to your success, 你会发现有无数的机会让你参与到大阳城集团99aa的大阳城集团99aa中.  可以肯定的是,每一项校园活动都旨在为你提供另一个自我发现的机会, personal growth, and holistic development.  学生事务工作人员将尽最大努力使大阳城集团99aa成为一个创造性和智力体验的地方, of lasting importance, continue to be the norm for every student, but we will count on you to help us reach that goal.  There are countless ways to make good use of your time at Jackson State, but they all begin with curiosity, a willingness to meet new people and try new things, and a desire to make your mark.  Let us help you do that.

We look forward to getting to know you as the years unfold.

Our Vision

Student Affairs works to engage, 保留和教育多样化的学生群体,为大阳城集团99aa和全球的成功奠定基础.  We enhance learning by fostering critical thinking, ethical responsibility, leadership, 公民参与和健康生活方式的培养,创造一个变革性的大学体验.

Division of Student Affairs


1400 John R. Lynch Street
Student Center
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2241